Dear Recession, You Leave Me No Choice

I give up. I give in. I’m giving it my all.
I’ve been out of work for a long time (let me repeat L-O-N-G) and I have been looking hard for a job. Job hunting during the recession has been a roller coaster ride. I’ve come close to landing great jobs and I’ve gone months without seeing or hearing of a position that remotely fits my skillset. Extreme highs and real lows.
I am a corporate woman. Well, at least I used to be – for 12 years. When the idea of “going out on your own” came up in conversations, I’d listen in awe to the “go get ‘em” entrepreneurs. They all had a certain quality that propelled them to do what they do and I didn’t think I had it.
I liked the “safety” of the corporate world. Yes, yes, I know it’s not a “safe” place, but I liked the regular paychecks, the healthcare and retirement benefits, the fact that I worked as part of a team. If I couldn’t immediately figure something out, then there was usually someone to call.
Well, I have grown weary of looking for the corporate job that doesn’t exist right now. I give up.
A few months ago, I decided to take a break from the hunt and learn some new skills. I’ve done a couple of pro bono projects for friends and built up confidence in my new self-taught skills. Now, I’m talking with two prospective clients and should one (or both?) of them hire me, perhaps I’ll do something I said I’d never, ever do – go out on my own, start my own business. I give in.
It has been only a couple of weeks since I admitted to myself that I’m really, really going to give small business ownership a serious try. As I’ve started laying the groundwork for my business, I’ve gotten more and more excited. Still, I know it is going to be tough and this next roller coaster ride could have even bigger hills and faster falls. Nevertheless, I’m giving it my all.
Question: If you have ventured out to start your own business and you are giving it all you’ve got, do you have any words of wisdom?
Rebecca Maddox
Go get ’em, Kelly. It looks as if you are off to a great start. Bravo!
ps: Ask me about another IABC contact/suggestion I have for you later this week.