Social Media: A Tool in the Content Strategy Toolbox

Social media. It has been a fun “project” for those of us who work in web marketing, hasn’t it?

Social media has allowed us to connect with our target markets in ways most of us never imagined. It has enabled us to engage them in conversations. To share the “personality” behind our brands. And ultimately/ideally, to increase sales.

(Content Strategy) Toolbox
My social media doohickey and SEO thingumajig are at the top of my content strategy toolbox. (Photo by jrhode, Flickr, Available via Creative Commons License)

Since I first started using social media (circa 2008), I’ve considered social media not as a stand-alone concept or separate marketing practice, but as a tool in my content strategy toolbox. It’s in there, right on top. I’m not sure which construction tool it most resembles (I am NOT a home improvement DIYer so this analogy is tough), but it’s there, right next to that SEO thingumajig that I often use.

The tricky part about building and maintaining a solid web presence is that each time I reach for the social media or SEO tool, I know that they might feel different – a little lighter or a little heavier (depending on the latest and greatest social media channel or the newest SEO best practices). It’s okay. I expect them to change and I adjust my content strategy accordingly.

The exciting part about upcoming web projects for all web marketers and content strategists is that we’re going to have to learn how to use the search engine optimization thingumajig and the social media doohicky at the same time.

Social search is coming…well, actually, it’s already here. Question is…How will it change the the rules of content strategy?

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