Bringing the Outside In

Content Strategy: Bringing the Outside In

Bringing the Outside In
With social search, content strategists will need to bring more from the outside in. (Photo by GemiTux, Flickr, available via Creative Commons License)

So, if content strategists will be required to use the search engine optimization thingumajig and the social media doohicky at the same time (as I mentioned in my previous blog post, “Social Media: A Tool in the Content Strategy Toolbox”), what does that mean to us? How will our responsibilities change?

Here’s my guess…

Content strategists soon will need to:

  1. create our own search-engine-optimized content,
  2. monitor and respond to the discussions our content generates and
  3. stay on top of “outside content” – content created by others.

Why #3?

Because we’ll need to know if and when the outside content that relates to our industry sparks online chatter among our potential customers. If it does, we’ll want to jump on the opportunity to:

  1. take an active part in the conversation, which search engines will treat more and more favorably as social search technology evolves.
  2. share the company’s viewpoint/advice/story – if appropriate, at the right time, in the right way.
  3. brainstorm our own conversation starters, based on the “hot topic(s)” already identified.

Instead of focusing primarily on pushing “inside” content (topics and stories that our companies identify as important) OUT, we’ll need to watch more and more for “outside” content that we can bring IN to our blog editorial calendars, social media campaigns, etc.

Of course, we’ll still need to plan, organize and write our own content. It’s just that in the evolving social search world, our own homegrown, traditionally one-directional messaging is going to be harder and harder to find. And therefore, less and less valuable to our overall web content strategy.

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